Thursday, November 26, 2009

I really like Adam Levines short hair style its awesome, I have really srtaight hair wil it work 4 m

from his video wake up call and makes me wonder...

I really like Adam Levines short hair style its awesome, I have really srtaight hair wil it work 4 me?

Well it just depend on the person. Not a lot of guys have short he is looking great, and just depend the person's face and head shape, but hey who know maybe you will looking good at the style like Adam Levines.

(I'm also love his song "Makes me wonder")

I'm also don't like my hairs much, because it little curly, but if it curly i want it completely curly, and it not curly i want to be completely straight, but on my situation, it a little curley and it a little straight, and it just annoying me, and i frustrated that don't know what style is fit for me, and i really need an professional hairs dresser opinion.

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