Saturday, November 28, 2009

Long hair styles- stand up hort hair @ front.?

extremely long hair(knee length) atright an wavy, not going to cut it @ all. any hair styles u can suggest???

also hair @ front i.e. fringe an short hairs stand on end away from the scalp. any suggestions on how to stop this happening (lk like a crazy proffessor!)

Long hair styles- stand up hort hair @ front.?

you can do plaits and twists, the short hairs in the fringe are new hair growth so you can use a serum to stop the frizz.

Long hair styles- stand up hort hair @ front.?

a 'style' is a cut so if you won't cut it you won't have any style.

no wonder you look like a crazy professor (1 f). you probably are one.

Long hair styles- stand up hort hair @ front.?

u can have it cut at diff.levels (like at ear level,another 1shoulder level%26amp;so on to it's full length...don't forget a nice fringe too),that should give u a nice look%26amp;at the same time maintane it's length

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